03 february 2003.

such a good night!

mates of state is one of my new favourite bands. it was, however, a shame that the people in lancaster (where the show was, not philly as i mentioned in the previous entry) were more concerned with looking good than having a good time. whats with that, anyway?

on the way home we ate chocolatechip pancakes and talked about going to q-mart. shannon mentioned a really good thrift on the way there, and a goodwill, but said the goodwill didn't have that much exciting stuff. i started to say "then.. it should... be called.. the.. the..." and completely lost it, at which point he chimed in "the.. not-so-good-will?" and i laughed for the next seven or so miles.

then the song came on. the one you sent me the lyrics to, the one you played in your car for me and i thought it would be strange at first, but the music fit. i got tense and we all got quiet. i felt like calling you then, just to say "i was thinking of you just now and thought you should know", but i'm still not sure what that meant or what it could possibly do. every time the word "bellyaches" was sung, my stomach twisted tighter and tighter.

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